Musings from Janice Gilles
Read God’s Word
To be strong and successful Christians who can overcome the enemy and difficult life circumstances, we need to read God’s Word and apply them in our lives.
Don’t compromise
In Deuteronomy 17:14-20 God gave specific Laws for the Kings of Israel to observe. However, King Solomon broke every one of them. The wisest man in the then-known world became a fool in his old age because he compromised God’s Word. So, don’t compromise!
Impossible? I AM possible!
Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (NKJV).
Don’t be wise in your own eyes
Scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments warn that whenever human beings think that they are wiser than God and can make it on their own, God will do things to reveal to all how stupid they really are! He will trap them in their own wisdom! He will also use the most unlikely people (those whom the world considers to be foolish) to confound those who exalt in their own wisdom! Here’s the caution - Don’t be Wise in Your own Eyes because you will be a fool in God’s eyes!
Father God Knows Best
Indeed, Father God knows best! No one can challenge His wisdom and knowledge or counsel Him because He created all things in heaven and on earth (Romans 11:33-34)! Sometimes, He would offend our minds to test our obedience to Him (2 Kings 5:1-15)!
It’s All About You, You Jesus
While I was waiting on God I heard this song, “It’s All About You, You Jesus”, ringing in my mind. It aligns perfectly with Church On The Hill’s core belief that the church is all about Jesus!