Father God Knows Best
I learnt early in my Christian walk with God that Father God knows best! When I had the opportunity to emigrate from Malaysia to Australia in the mid-1980, I was overjoyed! However, I felt the Lord said, “No!” I was very upset! With tears rolling down my cheeks, I surrendered to His will, because deep within me I knew from reading the Bible that Father God knew best.
A year later, God arranged for me to go to Bible College in Portland, Oregon, USA where I met my husband! If I had not obeyed Him, I would not have met my husband whom He had specially prepared for me!
Guess what? In 1995, God opened the door for my husband and me to come to Australia where we still are right now!
Indeed, Father God knows best! No one can challenge His wisdom and knowledge or counsel Him because He created all things in heaven and on earth (Romans 11:33-34)! Sometimes, He would offend our minds to test our obedience to Him (2 Kings 5:1-15)!
Romans 11: 33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counsellor” (ESV)?
1 Thessalonians 2:4”but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts.”
Father God knows best!
When to Him you make request,
In Him you can trust and rest!
‘Cos in His heart, He has your interest best!
When Jesus Christ was birthed
And became, a Human on this earth,
He only did what He saw His Father did
Because He knew that Father God knew best!
So, you should copy Him as God’s loving kid,
‘Cos He alone has clearly shown
That Father God can be trusted and knows best!
Father God knows best!
When you are stressed looking for a mate!
Wait on Father God and take a rest!
Like Isaac of old, did in the field!
Then your stress will not just abate,
When to Father God you yield,
But it will be completely healed!
Father God who knows best!
Will not rest, till He brings you the best!
The mate He has prepared just for you,
While He is preparing you too!
And together He will bind you two.
But be warned! It will not be just a bliss!
That myth you must all dismiss!
For you’ve been bound together
To bring the best out of each other!
And to produce godly seeds
For Father God who knows best!
When I was searching for a mate,
I trusted Father God and prayed.
I did not go looking for a date,
But instead by faith, I put my plans into His hands,
‘Cos I knew that Father God knew best,
And could far exceed all my plans!
To this, I can truly attest!
He brought me, not just a gem like agate,
But more than that, He brought me a diamond in the make!
He brought me the one He had uniquely prepared,
Just for me, with whom my life to be shared!
Yes, He gave me His best,
With whom to love and to fest,
To test and to build the nest,
Because Father God knows best!
Father God knows best!
He might impress you to do,
Things that’re offensive to your carnal mind!
‘Cos in doing so, you will look like a fool!
But remember, Jesus had to do it too!
To the Cross He was consigned,
And because for us He died a fool,
We now have abundant life!
So, with Father God do not strive,
When He offends your mind,
Your heart to test,
Because Father God knows best!
Father God knows best!
When you find that you are in a mess,
To Him you can turn and confess,
And ask Him for true ress.
He will promptly forgive you, your transgress,
Then your mess He will address,
And you, He will bless with peace and rest!
Father God knows best!
When you find in your head
Your foe has implanted, an unholy nest,
And you can’t get rid of that criticising pest!
Now! Don’t just sit and relent but instead,
Be quick to repent,
And turn to Father God who knows best!
Then Father God who knows best!
Will do the rest, to give you rest
From that throbbing pest!
He will stress and He will press,
That nagging, sagging pest,
Then He will doubtless,
Blow up to dust, its nasty, pesty nest!
And you’ll be free from your mess!
To serve with all your heart, spirt and soul,
Him who has made you whole,
That’s Father God who knows best!