Church on the Hill
About Us
Who we are
An Interdenominational Church
In essentials unity, in the non-essentials liberty, in all things chartiy (love)
- Augistine
Church on The Hill strives to be a community where people from differing traditions can fellowship and serve side by side without fear of rejection for flunking theological litmus tests on non-essential doctrines.
A House Church/Small Church Network
Our goal is to raise up many leaders who will be able to lead their own groups that will benefit from being interconnected.
A Bible-Based Church
Primarily utilising expository preaching, we affirm the centrality of Christ and His atoning work on the cross as we strive to preach Christ and Him Crucified.
A Sprit-Filled Church
Affirming that the Holy Spirit is still at work today as in the Book of Acts, ministering in and through His disciples.
An Evangelistic, Missions-Minded Church
Inculcating in our people Jesus’ passion for souls and training them to win the lost, we believe that Jesus is held in the heavens until the great end-time harvest is finished and His house is full of the redeemed from all people groups of the Earth.
An Affiliated Church
Church on The Hill is a member of Ministers Fellowship International (MFI), a recognised denomination registered with the Australian Government.

The Power of Prayer.
Prayer is powerful. Let us pray for you. Send us your prayer request and our prayer team will pray for you.