Don’t be wise in your own eyes

Scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments warn that whenever human beings think that they are wiser than God and can make it on their own, God will do things to reveal to all how stupid they really are!  He will trap them in their own wisdom!  He will also use the most unlikely people (those whom the world considers to be foolish) to confound those who exalt in their own wisdom!  Here’s the caution - Don’t be Wise in Your own Eyes because you will be a fool in God’s eyes!

1 Corinthians 1:19 “For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” (NKJV)

1 Corinthians 3:19 “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness.” (NKJV)

Isaiah 5:21 “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight” (ESV)

Don’t be wise in your own eyes,

Lest claiming to be wise,

You become a fool in God’s eyes!

In your wisdom you’ll be caught,

As God will bring it to naught!

Then you will be in limbo – neither here nor there!

As the wisdom that you have sought,

Will take you nowhere,

And you will be in total distraught!


Don’t be wise in your own eyes,

‘Cos then, you will be a fool, in God’s eyes!

Since in the wisdom of God,

The world didn’t know Him through its own wisdom,

It’s through the foolishness of the preached Word,

Those who believe, will enter His glorious Kingdom.


Don’t be wise in your own eyes,

‘Cos then, you will be a fool, in God’s eyes!

Having just human wisdom and knowledge,

Acquired throughout your days in college,

Will surely set you spinning on edge,

Alas, when you will have to acknowledge,

That in Christ are hidden, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge!

‘Cos, man has never discovered God, apart from His revelation,

Your heart only by the Holy Spirit’s conviction,

Will accept Jesus the Word through His revelation,

By grace, through faith in His blood, you will then enjoy salvation,

As old things are gone, in Christ you become a new creation!

And angels and Christians will sing, “It is done!  Jesus’ blood has won!

In Jesus Christ, we have become one!”


Don’t be wise in your own eyes,

‘Cos then, you will be a fool, in God’s eyes!

Christianity is not for solving intellectual problems,

Which seem so titillating and at times solemn!

It is to answer your desire for forgiveness,

To be rescued from bitterness and hopelessness!

As your intellect will be the stumbling block,

To believe in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the Christian flock,

As in your mind, with the ticking of the clock,

His gospel you will mock,

So, you will not heed His urgent knock,

And will miss out on His heaven bound flock!


So, beware!  Don’t be wise in your own eyes,

When you buy into the enemy’s lies,

Concocting all the evil and the vice!

Then to others you do things, that are so not nice,

Thinking it is, oh, so very wise!

You will be a fool in God’s eyes!

And that will be to your own demise!

‘Cos one day, you will have to pay a heavy price,

When the sun sets on you and will not rise;

Then you will die and never to rise!

O, what a price you will have to pay,

O, what a hefty price!

Whether in the morning, night, or day,

You will not want to imagine it with your closed eyes!


Don’t be wise in your own eyes,

‘Cos then, you will be a fool, in God’s eyes!

Haver you not read what Isaiah 5:21 says?

“Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,

And shrewd in their own sight!”

God’s judgements come, in many ways,

To those who heed not His merciful cries!

When they least expect, God’s judgements will alight!

And all their wealth, sly devices, and their might

Will not save them in this fight!

Because they have spurned the word of the LORD,

They are fools doomed for ruin in God’s sight!


Don’t be wise in your own eyes,

‘Cos then, you will be a fool, in God’s eyes!

So, your end right now, do not minimise!

Turnaround to God, and your life scrutinise!

Fall in repentance at His feet!

So that your heart can start to beat,

With new life from the Father above,

Let Him pour into your heart His unfailing love!

So, today you can start afresh,

With a brand-new life that is wise and fresh!

And you will be indeed glad,

That you are no longer wise in your own eyes,

But can boldly say, “I am now truly wise in God’s eyes!”


Impossible? I AM possible!


Father God Knows Best