It’s not a club

The church is not a club or a civic/service organisation like the Lions or Rotary Clubs, nor is it an imitation of the Boy Scouts or Girl Guides. These organisations are fantastic because they seek to instil character and practical knowledge, as in the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, and serve and make their communities better, as with the Lions and Rotary Clubs.  Local churches have the same goals as these organisations and much more.  Local churches primarily exist to help as many people as possible become Christians and thus, make heaven their home.  After a person makes that critical decision, the congregation’s role is to assist the new Christian in their preparation for heaven.  This preparation is called discipleship.  The side benefits of discipleship should be character development, practical knowledge and service to the community as natural by-products.  Learning to get along in church is an essential key Jesus uses to build character and spiritual maturity in His people.  Staying away from times of church community is dodging His desire to develop Christlikeness in us." The Bible is full of commands concerning Christian interaction. Many of these conclude with the two words “one another".  Here are a few examples:

  • Encourage one another

  • Pray for one another

  • Serve one another

  • Look to the interests of one another

  • Love one another

Obedience to Jesus’ command to love other Christians is essential as it forms the foundation for all authentic Christian communities and directly impacts our witness to the world.


Lone Rangers need not apply!


The Importance of Friendship